Friday, November 26, 2010

Nursing and Travel

Hey all! Back from vacation! It was a lot of fun and I enjoyed the warm weather in San Antonio, TX this last week. I am home and adjusting to a 70 degree change in weather.
This trip made me realize just how much I wish I was able to exclusively breastfeed. While I didn't have to worry about taking prepared formula through security as I knew I would be able to just nurse during the flight, I had to travel with bottles, formula, and my pump. It took up a lot of extra space.
I wish, that as we had planned each days activity, I would not have had to plan on if I would need formula with me. If only my biggest concern was making sure my clothing was nursing accessible and that I had a cover in the bag.....
But, I am grateful that I was able to often not even use the formula and bottle with water in it that I brought along. I am thankful that I had a wonderful friend, who nursed 5 children, who was a support and would take Lil Man so I could go pump.
I am grateful that, for the most part, I am able to take this perfect food with me and feed my son so easily on the go. That during the flights, when he got a little anxious, I was able to calm him without having to prepare a bottle.
I hope that the next time I travel with an infant I will not need the bottles and formula I had to take this time. But I am so grateful that I was able to pack minimal amount of these items this time. I am grateful to be home and hopefully settle back into more of a routine.
Here is a picture my friend captured of me nursing Lil Man in La Valitta. I love how under the cover I can tell that his hand is straight up in the air (this is his new thing).



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